Maestro Nazario Carlo Bellandi (1919 - 2010) was a composer, organist, and music Professor at Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome for 40 years. The mission of this web site is to make his music and his message live on. In addition to his masterpieces, he is remembered and beloved for his compassion and support to his students, as well as his dedication to music as a means of love, peace and unity beyond time, space, and cultural differences. “Symphony in four movements” is his literary work that best explains his musical, existential, and didactical vision. He created a technical-mathematical method for canon composition. The “Method of Study of Organ Pedalboard” is a cornerstone of his playing technique, which he refined with the pipe organ he built himself. Among other pieces, the “Rosary in Music” is particularly worth mentioning. His opus also comprises symphonic orchestra works.

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