Music for Unity and Peace, beyond Time, Space and Cultural Differences.

“Here is the good news … which would give strength to remove any perplexity, any hesitation to operate … which would give hope to overcome any obstacle: that the artists act with their arts for the salvation of the world

world ... for the coming of a society of music where communities of any kind converge into a mutual comprehension and collaboration of ideas and workings."

“The mystery of music well represents the mystery of things. In the universal cosmic dimension, in the present that is, there are living beings, who are necessarily relative and in time and space, and in the human history originate all forms of life in their motion to the ONE, where their reason for being stands. This is because every and each living being (like every music motive), becomes by becoming current in every single present moment, where the past and the future (in music, arsis, and thesis) overtake each other in the unity of being…. Thus, music reveals, through the sound coordinated with the movement relative to the rhythm, the universal values ​​of human life centered on unity in God.”

 “In my dream of a regeneration of future times, I also recalled the image offered by the knowledge of times past, where music appeared to be a means of greater and deeper participation in life and its mystery, to the point of becoming a powerful vehicle of communion with the transcendent reality, thereby projecting man beyond temporal and spatial transience.” 

With experience gained in more than 80 years of musical activity, Maestro Bellandi repeatedly advocated "a didactic-musical policy that promoted a vast and effective musical movement to come out of the prerogative of current private and public schools, which are often associated with outdated cultural patterns and interests that are unrelated to music.”

Being outside of business interests and instead focused on musical perfection and transcendent idealism, he was a leader who inflamed the minds of generations of students, who thanks to him deeply experienced how musical passion can elevate their soul.

He theorized his dream of a future music revival. He renewed this "teaching proposal for today's times, hoping that every monastery, convent or other associations may become a center of studies and musical works for the advent of a future civilization, where humankind could find, through music, cohesion in unity and peace." 

Adapted from: Bellandi, N. C., Symphony in four movements, an essay where the Maestro illustrates his musical, existential, and didactic vision.