His Cultural Vision

Rhythm, Tritone, Sound, and Word, with Music towards Unity

The Master is also the author of a study for the participation of many in the knowledge and practice of music. He believes in the importance that music can still have in the world in promoting the everlasting progress of human civilization. This fascinating and exciting treatise, even for neophytes, inflames souls, explaining in simple terms the basic mysteries of rhythm, sound, word, time, and space underlying the unity of every musical composition. There is also a surprising and unconventional chapter on tritone. Finally, this Work is a kind of his spiritual will, where he explains his vision.

Music as Catalyst for Religious Beliefs of Human and Universal Life Values

Maestro Bellandi’s musical proposition has always tended to reveal, through sounds, human and universal values ​​of life centered in God's unity. It has been written about him that "His composition is a testimony of his religious profession, so sincerely expressed so visibly revealed"1.

1 Cesare Casellato, 3rd Sacred Music Festival, Patriarcal Archbasilica of S. Giovanni in Laterano and Basilica Saints  Apostoli, October 12 – November 11, 1983.

Cultural and Professional Independence

Maestro Bellandi stood out for his professional, cultural, human, and moral independence. He opposed any external influence that departed from the highest standards of professional ethics, dedication, moral behavior, and intellectual honesty.

In choosing full freedom and independence from any constriction by schools, fashion, people, institutions, or ideologies, the Master was, by his choice, isolated and not associated with any current of thought, in his sole purpose of serving and teaching people and praising his religious belief with his musical works.

Search for Perfection and Consistent Synthesis of Diverse Musical Styles

In his works and in teaching, he was committed to an ongoing research of critical knowledge and practical experimentation of virtually every ancient and modern musical process. His personal language accepts contributions from different types of music of different periods, but it develops into an inner coherence and effectiveness of expression. This conformed to his vision of music to unveil, through sounds, of universal human life values. 

His artistic freedom allowed him not to reject the old tradition, but to depart from it and welcome new thoughts without contradiction when reasons of personal language inspired him to do so. His technical and aesthetic approach could not tolerate sectoral restrictions or any other limitation of any kind that is alien to art. 

By researching the common roots of musical languages, his Works discover not only the founding construction of the past but also interesting new directions for present and future developments.

His Vision of Educational Policy

With experience gained in more than 80 years of musical activity, Maestro Bellandi repeatedly advocated "a didactic-musical policy that promoted a vast and effective musical movement to come out of the prerogative of current private and public schools, which are often associated with outdated cultural patterns and interests that are unrelated to music.” 

Being outside of business interests and instead focused on musical perfection and transcendent idealism, he was a leader who inflamed the minds of generations of students, who thanks to him deeply experienced how musical passion can elevate their soul. 

The Master theorized his dream of a future revival of music, by analogy to historical times where music was a means of in-depth participation to life and its mystery, and a powerful vehicle of communion with the transcendent reality to project man beyond the transience of time and space. He renewed this teaching proposal for the present times, hoping that each monastery, convent, or other association established a center of study of musical works for the advent of a future civilization where humankind could find, through music, cohesion in unity and peace.

Adapted from “Symphony in 4 Movements”.